Team JoMac reunion a success! just received an e-mail from Don McKay about the recent Team JoMac reunion in Dallas, TX. Here’s what he had to say:

Thanks everyone for making the reunion and Tamy’s and my weekend wonderful. It was so good to see you all again. I missed you all more than I knew. There were times as I would see another one of you, for the first time, that I would almost cry.

We have been up to our eye balls at work making up for the week we were gone. My CD RW is out on my computer so I have not been able to cut the CD disk with pictures yet but will. I have over 100 really good photos to share with you.

All of you are invited any time to Redmond to visit. You get here and we’ll provide the food and logging. We want to get together again and not wait another 20 years.

I got to run now more later.


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